Learn how to get Keptn running in thirty minutes with Prometheus. We'll run Keptn on a local k3d cluster. This quickstart is designed for Linux-based systems. Consequently, use Linux, MacOS, or Windows subsystem for Linux (WSL2).

You will need several tools to install Keptn and Prometheus locally: git, k3d, docker, kubectl and helm. You will need to use Linux, MacOS, or Windows subsystem for Linux (WSL2). Note that Docker for Mac may require special licensing if you want to follow this tutorial.

See the installation and configuration guide here.

First of all, you will need to create a cluster for Keptn, and then install and configure Keptn itself. We provide scripts that make it a very quick task as long as you have all tools from Prerequisites ready.

Follow these guidelines to install Keptn.

Keptn allows to define multi-stage delivery workflows by just declaring what needs to be done. How to achieve this delivery workflow is then left to other components and also here Keptn provides deployment services, which allow you to setup a multi-stage delivery workflow without a single line of pipeline code.

The definition is manifested in a so-called shipyard file that defines a task sequence for delivery. It can hold multiple stages, each with a dedicated deployment strategy, test strategy, as well as a remediation strategy. Keptn takes the shipyard file and creates a multi-stage workflow each stage having a deployment strategy (e.g., blue/green), testing strategy (e.g., functional tests or performance tests), and an optional automated remediation strategy for triggering self-healing actions.

If you are interested, try out Multi-stage delivery as documented here.

In modern microservices environments, you have to deal with systems that can expose unpredictable behavior due to the high number of interdependencies. For example, changing the configuration of one component might have an impact on a different part of the system. Besides, problems evolve and are often dynamic. The nature and impact of a problem can also change drastically over time. Keptn addresses this challenge by introducing the concept of micro-operations that declare remediation actions for resolving certain problem types or triggering any operational tasks.

If you are interested, try it out as documented here.

You have a running Keptn instance, so you can browse through the web interface and try out more features while around. Also have a look at our tutorials and documentation to learn how you can use Keptn.

You can find some references and suggestions here.

If you are finished exploring Keptn, you can always stop and start the cluster and delete it eventually.

k3d cluster stop mykeptn
k3d cluster start mykeptn

Or delete it if you don't need it anymore

k3d cluster delete mykeptn

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